Workshop Registration Form

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Advanced Methods for Improving Relational Coordination: A Toolkit for Leaders and Facilitators

Dates to be announced  | Virtual Program


The registration fee is $2,250. If you are paying the standard registration fee you can REGISTER and PAY ONLINE BELOW. 

There are three discounts available. If you would like to register for any of these discounts please contact us by phone (Peg Mercier/865.691.0550) or email ( ) and print the registration form and complete it with the requested information.

  • For full-time graduate students, the registration fee is $1,507 (33% discount).
  • For RCC Partners, the registration fee is $2,025 (10% discount).
  • A discount is also available for multiple participants from the same organization.

If you are not registering online, please print the registration form and complete it with the requested information. 

Workshop Registration + Online Payment


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