Relational Coordination

Relational Coordination


Upcoming Workshops


Advanced Methods for Improving Relational Coordination: A Toolkit for Leaders and Facilitators

April 27-29, 2022/1-5 ET; 10-2 PT | Online Program


Improving Work Processes with Relational Coordination

April 6-8, 2022 | Online Program




"We design consultations and programs for leadership teams, work teams and larger production units to improve relational coordination that result in substantial, measurable improvement in the way their people work together interdependently to produce results."

RC-Based Interventions Are ...

Effective: Among the results we've seen are...

• Profound changes in working relationships and communication on surgical teams
• Improved alignment and collaboration on executive teams
• Better mutual understanding of roles and interdependent work processes across the diverse workgroups in a fertility center
• Successful integration of new nurse care manger roles in primary care practices transitioning to medical homes
• More respect and establishment of behavior standards in a conflict-ridden ICU staff

Scalable: The RC Survey can be applied to...

• individual members of a work group or management team
• multiple work groups collaborating on a shared work process
• cross-departmental committees, steering teams or task groups
• collaborations involving multiple organizations

Practical: Administered via the Web, the survey takes less than 15 minutes to complete and reports on the Seven Readily-Understandable Dimensions of RC.

• Shared goals across the work group
• Shared knowledge of each other’s work processes and needs
• Mutual respect across the team
• Communication that is optimally frequent, timely and accurate
• When a problem arises, communication that focuses on solving the problem rather than assigning blame

Relational Coordination


Effective teamwork takes more than a group of individuals skillfully carrying out their specialized tasks. It requires interdependence: the ability of the team members to understand how their work processes intersect and to respond to each other’s changing needs and circumstances. What’s more, they need to be able to do this on their own in real time, under conditions of performance pressure and uncertainty, and without waiting for the direction of a supervisor.

Brandeis University professor Jody Hoffer Gittell named this quality of high-performing teams “Relational Coordination” and developed a survey instrument to measure it.  Her groundbreaking research has demonstrated that teams with high scores on the Relational Coordination Survey achieve higher quality, work more efficiently, better satisfy their customers or patients, and enjoy more worker satisfaction and resilience.

Since 2009 we’ve been working closely with Jody, developing her research measure into a powerful interventional approach for improving team performance and fostering positive work environments.



Consultations + Courses on the "How" of Effective Teamwork


Independence + Responsiveness = Interdependence
Interdependence = Maximum Group Performance